
Currently: Caltech '23. Studying CS, Data Science, Biology. Hi, I'm a senior at Caltech with machine learning and bioinformatics experience (and quite a bit of biomedical research background) in both industry and research settings. Currently, I am most excited about developing machine learning methods to solve difficult problems in STEM domains. You can read more about my research interests and projects on my research page. I am always interested in discussing academic or industry collaborations and internships, so please don't hesitate to reach out! [Resume] [Email]

I play for Caltech's D3 Water Polo Team and am a member of Fleming House. As the Caltech Cannon Master, I fire and maintain Fleming's 1.3-ton, 130-year-old cannon throughout the year. I'm very passionate about teaching (more here) and mentoring and have TA'd Caltech's intro CS sequence, ML track, plus some other courses. I serve on the Caltech CMS DEI Committee and previously served on Caltech's Academics and Research Committee. I also invest in the stock market both personally and through SIF, for which I served as President of a club with $1M AUM. I am quite passionate about the humanities and started the Humanities Society of Caltech. When I'm not working, I enjoy spending time with friends, reading (especially classics and poetry!; book list), doing some writing of my own, whistling along to classical music, biking, and getting outdoors. I've recently started woodcarving too!

As you can likely imagine, I did not get here (wherever 'here' is, anyway) alone and have been supported by many people along the way. Here's a list of just a few of these people, whose mentorship and guidance has made a huge difference and whom I am beyond thankful to have in my corner. This is most certainly not all-inclusive.

  • Professors: Ryan Adams (ML @Princeton), Yisong Yue (ML @Caltech), Adam Blank (CS @Caltech), Katie Bouman (ML @Caltech), Yaser Abu-Mostafa (ML @Caltech), Kostia Zuev (ACM/IDS @Caltech), Kaihang Wang (Synthetic Biology @Caltech), Jenny Factor (Poetry @Caltech), Tracy Dennison (HSS @Caltech), Jaewon Min (Cancer Genetics @Columbia), Jerry Shay (Aging and Cancer @UTSW Medical Center), Mike Regnier (Heart Failure @UW Medicine), Santosh Katiyar (Opportunistic Pathogens @Drexel Med School)
  • Graduate students: Deniz Oktay (Adams Group @Princeton), Berthy Feng (Bouman Group @Caltech), Jialin Song (Yue Group @Caltech), Charles Sanfiorenzo (Wang Lab @Caltech), Nathan Nakatsuka (Genetics @Harvard)
  • Undergrads: Alex Pan, Myra Cheng, Jeff Ma, Alex Janosi, Ethan Ordentlich, Dessie DiMino, Alex Cui, Bradley Justice, Kush Tirumala, Aadyot Bhatnagar, Jagath Vytheeswaran
  • Industry: Yingzong Huang (Uber), David Morales(Uber), Saurabh Dingolia (Uber), Anthony Chong (IKASI), Karin Steinhauer (Amgen)
  • Other: Lauren Kleinberg (English @GHCHS), James Jang