Having a Poem with You

Tags: writing of art, ekphrastic, information management, juxtaposition, imagery

I mainly included this poem as an interesting way of writing a poem about writing this poem itself. This one is less about describing art at all, but the experience and speaker’s frazzled mind after it serve to create the art, and really this sort of experience is of a similar kind to what we often get out of impactful art.

I Wrote a Good Omelet

Nikki Giovanni

I wrote a good omelet…and ate
a hot poem… after loving you
Buttoned my car…and drove my
coat home…in the rain…
after loving you
I goed on red…and stopped on
green…floating somewhere in between…
being here and being there…
after loving you
I rolled my bed…turned down
my hair…slightly
confused but…I don’t care…
Laid out my teeth…and gargled my
gown…then I stood
…and laid me down…
To sleep…
after loving you

I think what this poem is doing is pretty straightforward, so will leave it at that.

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